Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health - 1206 Words

In 1971 the first email was sent. This was the beginning of social media. Social media is a form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other contents. Social media sites are like fads where people eventually stop using them and move on to the next one. This essay will be about the effects of social media on the mental health of the main users of social media. The age group that uses social media the most is 12-17 but the majority of people who use it all together are under the age of 30. 42% of adults online use social media and 97% of teens online use social media. Three in four teens access the internet on cell phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Ironically, even though it is called social media, it actually causes a lot of people to become less connected with other people in real life. Steven Strogatz of Cornell University says â€Å" social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections will weaken.† What this means is that we spend a lot of our time and energy online trying to create relationships with people online that distracts from real life people and social situations. Sure, social media is good for connectingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health1580 Words   |  7 Pageshazards of social media. The relationship between an individual’s social media habits and mental health is complex. In this report many concepts will be explored thoroughly such as, the effects of social media on mental health, how it is concerned with substance abuse, the advantages and disadvantages of social media and which social media site is cyberbullying occurred on the most. Firstly, there have been significant links between our online presence and other aspects of our mental health, whichRead MoreEffects Of Social Media On Mental Health1498 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of social media on mental health Overview Social media is described, by the Merriam-Webster dictionary (2015), as â€Å"forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)†. As few as 10 years ago the term social media was yet to be coined, but within that decade the use of these blogs, websites and sharing platforms has increased exponentiallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Mental And Emotional Health1357 Words   |  6 Pages Off the Grid Social media seems to be one of the many hot topics of discussion recently, and consequently many people have the false sense of security that they have a profound knowledge on how it affects the health of the teenage population. A sedentary lifestyle, decreased sleep, as well as other physical health conditions seem to come to mind when one links health and social media. However, there is a much bigger problem that can go unnoticed because it can be impossible to see: the impact itRead MoreSocial Media Effect Our Mental Health2401 Words   |  10 Pagesthe egocentric side of social media to even realize the reality of my life. Is it just me, or are the morals of today declining due to social media? I am absolutely guilty of obsessing over social media, and I am confident I am not the only one. We, as a society, often beg the question: Does social media do more good or harm? Or both? How often do we think of its consequences? How much time do we spend on social media every day? How does social media effect our mental health, our psychological stateRead MoreNegative Effects Of Instagram1439 Words   |  6 PagesSocial media: a blessing or a burden? It gives the ability to like, comment and interact with any person at any time. A platform with recent growth and popularity, Instagram, reaches copious amounts people. Expectedly so, controversy has arisen from the decade of social media and this form in particular. Research has found Instagram to have the highest overall negative effect on mental health (Cramer Inkster, 2017). Through analyzing human psyche and critiquing data, this paper will seek to explainRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Mental Health And Overall Quality Of Life1707 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media usage by adolescents must be limited in order to improve mental health and overall quality of life. Adolescent social media activity continues to grow, creating technology dependence in younger generations. Technology remains in its prime throughout the twenty first century with advancements in internet and smartphone capabilities. As technology becomes more accessible to younger generations, minors continue to spend more of their day trapped in a cyber universe and disconnected fromRead MoreThe Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image1255 Words   |  6 Pagesor other health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s everyday lives; and it’s not going away anytime soon. Mass media posts needRead MoreSoc ial Medias Impact On Mental Health1082 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Networking Sites (SNS) are most popularly used today on the Internet. SNS such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are one of the most common social interactive sites used by adolescents. Connecting with friends, expressing oneself, and scrolling through personal profiles has never been easier before. Depending how SNS are used, it can play a huge role in the daily lives of many. According to Hugues (2015), SNS have been used to cope with loneliness and depression, boost self-esteem and well-beingRead MoreSocial Media Disadvantages1246 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media is a way for people to communicate anywhere and at any time. Some people think that it is beneficial to have in society. Although, many people are starting to see negative effects arise from the use of social media as well. These negative effects are increasing and becoming more problematic every day. The disadvantages of social media far outweigh the advantages. Social media effects everyone in society, especially teenagers by negatively impacting their lives, face-to-face interactionsRead MoreMedia Negative Effects850 Words   |  4 PagesSocial media alone, on average, will consume five years and four months of a person’s life, and that does not account for any other aspect of the internet (Asano). Merriam Webster Dictionary defines social media as â€Å"forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other such content.† Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are some of the more popular social media sites. As with anything, there are side effects

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Return Nightfall Chapter 3 Free Essays

Later that day Caroline was sitting with Matt Honeycutt, Meredith Sulez, and Bonnie McCullough, all listening to Stefan on Bonnie’s mobile phone. â€Å"Late afternoon would be better,† Stefan told Bonnie. â€Å"She takes a little nap after lunch – and anyway, it’ll be cooler in a couple hours. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Nightfall Chapter 3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I told Elena you’d be coming by, and she’s excited to see you. But remember two things. First, it’s only been seven days since she came back, and she’s not quite†¦herself yet. I think she’ll get over her – symptoms – in just a few days, but meanwhile don’t be surprised by anything. And second, don’tsay anything about what you see here. Not to anyone.† â€Å"Stefan Salvatore!† Bonnie was scandalized and offended. â€Å"After all we’ve been through together, you think we’d blab?† â€Å"Not blab,† Stefan’s voice came back over the mobile, gently. But Bonnie was going on. â€Å"We’ve stuck together through rogue vampires and the town’s ghost, and werewolves, and Old Ones, and secret crypts, and serial killings and – and – Damon – and have we ever told people about them?† Bonnie said. â€Å"I’m sorry,† Stefan said. â€Å"I just meant that Elena won’t be safe if any of you tells even one person. It would be all over the newspapers right away:GIRL RETURNS TO LIFE . Andthen what do we do?† â€Å"I understand about that,† Meredith said briefly, leaning in so that Stefan could see her. â€Å"You don’t need to worry. Every one of us will vow not to tellanyone .† Her dark eyes flicked momentarily toward Caroline and then away again. â€Å"Ihave to ask you† – Stefan was making use of all his Renaissance training in politeness and chivalry, particularly considering that three of the four people watching him on the phone were female – â€Å"do you really have any way to enforce a vow?† â€Å"Oh, I think so,† Meredith said pleasantly, this time looking Caroline directly in the eyes. Caroline flushed, her bronzed cheeks and throat turning scarlet. â€Å"Let us work it out, and in the afternoon, we’ll come over.† Bonnie, who was holding the phone, said, â€Å"Anybody have anything else to say?† Matt had remained silent during most of the conversation. Now he shook his head, making his shock of fair hair fly. Then, as if he couldn’t hold it back, he blurted, â€Å"Can we talk to Elena? Just to say hi? I mean – it’s been a wholeweek .† His tanned skin burned with a sunset glow almost as brightly as Caroline’s had. â€Å"I think you’d better just come over. You’ll see why when you get here.† Stefan hung up. They were at Meredith’s house, sitting around an old patio table in the backyard. â€Å"Well, we can at least take them some food,† Bonnie suggested, rocketing up from her seat. â€Å"God knows what Mrs. Flowers makes for them to eat – orif she does.† She made waving motions to the others as if to raise them from their chairs by levitation. Matt started to obey, but Meredith remained seated. She said quietly, â€Å"We just made a promise to Stefan. There’s the matter of the vow first. And the consequences.† â€Å"I know you’re thinking about me,† Caroline said. â€Å"Why don’t you just say so?† â€Å"All right,† Meredith said, â€Å"I’m thinking about you. Why are you suddenly interested in Elena again? How can we be sure that you won’t go spreading the news of this all around Fell’s Church?† â€Å"Why would I want to?† â€Å"Attention. You’d love to be at the center of a crowd, giving them every juicy detail.† â€Å"Or revenge,† Bonnie added, suddenly sitting down again. â€Å"Or jealousy. Or boredom. Or – â€Å" â€Å"Okay,† Matt interrupted. â€Å"I think that’s enough with the reasons.† â€Å"Just one more thing,† Meredith said quietly. â€Å"Why do youcare so much about seeing her, Caroline? The two of you haven’t gotten along in almost a year, ever since Stefan came to Fell’s Church. We let you in on the call to Stefan, but after what he said – â€Å" â€Å"If you really need a reason why I should care, after everything that happened a week ago, well†¦well, I would think you’d understand without being told!† Caroline fixed shining cat-green eyes on Meredith. Meredith looked back with her best no-expression expression. â€Å"All right!† Caroline said. â€Å"She killed him for me. Or had him called to Judgment, or whatever. That vampire, Klaus. And after being kidnapped and – and – and – used – like a toy – whenever Klaus wanted blood – or – † Her face twisted and her breathing hitched. Bonnie felt sympathy, but she also was wary. Her intuition was aching, warning her. And she noticed that although Caroline spoke about Klaus, the vampire, she was strangely silent about her other kidnapper, Tyler Smallwood, the werewolf. Maybe because Tyler had been her boyfriend until he and Klaus had held her hostage. â€Å"I’m sorry,† Meredith said in a quiet voice thatdid sound sorry. â€Å"So you want to thank Elena.† â€Å"Yes. I want to thank her.† Caroline was breathing hard. â€Å"And I want to make sure that she’s okay.† â€Å"Okay. But this oath covers quite a bit of time,† Meredith continued calmly. â€Å"You may change your mind tomorrow, next week, a month from now†¦we haven’t even thought about consequences.† â€Å"Look, we can’tthreaten Caroline,† Matt said. â€Å"Not physically.† â€Å"Or get other people to threaten her,† Bonnie said wistfully. â€Å"No, we can’t,† Meredith said. â€Å"But for the short term – you’re a sorority pledge this coming fall, aren’t you, Caroline? I can always tell your prospective sorority sisters that you broke your solemn vow about somebody who is helpless to hurt you – who I’m sure doesn’twant to hurt you. Somehow I don’t think they’d care for you much after that.† Caroline’s face flushed deeply again. â€Å"You wouldn’t. You wouldn’t go interfering with my college – â€Å" Meredith cut her off with two words. â€Å"Try me.† Caroline seemed to wilt. â€Å"I never said I wouldn’t take the vow, and I never said I wouldn’t keep it. Just try me, why don’t you? I – I’ve learned a few things this summer.† I should hope so.The words, although nobody said them aloud, seemed to hover over all of them. Caroline’s hobby for the entire last year had been trying to find ways to hurt Stefan and Elena. Bonnie shifted position. There was something – shadowed – behind what Caroline was saying. She didn’t know how she knew; it was the sixth sense that she’d been born with. But maybe it just had to do with how much Caroline had changed, with what she had learned, Bonnie told herself. Look how many times she’d asked Bonnie in the last week about Elena. Was she really all right? Could Caroline send flowers? Could Elena have visitors yet? Whenwould she be all right? Caroline really had been a nuisance, although Bonnie didn’t have the heart to tell her that. Everyone else was waiting just as anxiously to see how Elena was†¦after returning from the afterlife. Meredith, who always had a pen and paper, was scribbling some words. Now she said, â€Å"How about this?† and they all leaned forward to look at the pad. I swear not to tellanyone about any supernatural events relating to Stefan or Elena, unless given specific permission to do so by Stefan or Elena. I will also help in the punishment of anyone who breaks this vow, in a way to be determined by the rest of the group. This vow is made in perpetuity, with my blood as my witness. Matt was nodding his head. â€Å" ¡Ã‚ ®In perpetuity’ – perfect,† he said. â€Å"It sounds just like what an attorney would write.† What followed was not particularly attorney-like. Each of the individuals around the table took the piece of paper, read it aloud, and then solemnly signed it. Then they each pricked a finger with a safety pin that Meredith had in her purse and added a drop of blood beside their signatures, with Bonnie shutting her eyes as she pricked herself. â€Å"Now it’s really binding,† she said grimly, as one who knows. â€Å"I wouldn’t try to break this.† â€Å"I’ve had enough of blood for a long time,† Matt said, squeezing his finger and looking at it gloomily. That was when it happened. Meredith’s contract was sitting in the center of the table so all could admire it when, from a tall oak where the backyard met the forest, a crow came swooping down. It landed on the table with a raw-throated scream, causing Bonnie to scream, too. The crow cocked an eye at the four humans, who were hastily pulling back their chairs to get out of its way. Then it cocked its head the other way. It was the biggest crow any of them had ever seen, and the sun stroked iridescent rainbows from its plumage. The crow seemed, for all the world, to be examining the contract. And then it did something so quickly that it made Bonnie dart behind Meredith, stumbling over her chair. It opened its wings, leaned forward, and pecked violently at the paper, seeming to aim at two specific spots. And then it was gone, first fluttering, and then soaring off until it was a tiny black speck in the sun. â€Å"It’s ruined all our work,† Bonnie cried, still safely behind Meredith. â€Å"I don’t think so,† said Matt, who was closer to the table. When they dared to move forward and look at the paper, Bonnie felt as if someone had thrown a blanket of ice around her back. Her heart began to pound. Impossible as it seemed, the violent pecking was all red, as if the crow had retched up blood to color it. And the red marks, surprisingly delicate, looked exactly like an ornate letter: D And under that: Elena is mine. How to cite The Return: Nightfall Chapter 3, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Attributes of entrepreneur free essay sample

Confidence positive thlnklng is a major step In the direction of success 5. Positive thinker entrepreneur are positive thinkers. Wealth does not always come to the most intelligent or the most ambitious individuals. Patience -when one owns who his business, there will be times when feels like the roof of craving-in. 7. Decisiveness one should go with his intuition and trust that he is doing the right thing 8. Experience component for growth as a key 9. Information seeking entrepreneur should seek information with client and competitors, seek advice. 10. Perseverance must be willing to persevere during rough times 11. Drive needs to be totally committed 12. Risk taking prefer tasks, which provide them some challenges 13. Innovation creative, they do things in new and different ways 14. Opportunity-seeking readily identifies opportunities for going into or to improve his business 15. Demand for efficiency and quality entrepreneur always strives to find ways to do things better, faster and at a lower cost 16. We will write a custom essay sample on Attributes of entrepreneur or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Systematic planning and monitoring introduces some system in achlevlng his goals by breaking this goal Into short term and long term goals 11. Persuasion and networking easy establishes a network or personal and business contacts around them